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Join me in experiencing my adventures and excitement on my photo shoots, as I unwrap my journey involved in capturing images that linger, whilst reflecting spectacular scenery that soak the soul with peace and hope!

It had been quite some time since I had done a photo shoot at this wonderful beach, The Spit. It is a popular dog beach. The dogs love to run into the ocean and play with the water. Dog owners are sociable and exchange life stories whilst on the beach.

When I walked onto the beach on the morning of this photo shoot, I saw the cloud formations and instinctively, I knew it was going to be a good sunrise.

In saying that, it took awhile before the light started doing anything, but once it did, I had a busy time with my camera. Whilst the dogs were playfully scampering around me.

The latter part of the shoot was outstanding. The conditions were perfect. The clouds were thick on the horizon which is always an advantage as they add a special dynamic to the image. The wind wasn’t more than a breeze.

As you can imagine, I walked away as happy as can be. I was blessed to capture some special shots.