Join me in experiencing my adventures and excitement on my photo shoots, as I unwrap my journey involved in capturing images that linger, whilst reflecting spectacular scenery that soak the soul with peace and hope!
The light and weather conditions on the morning of this photo shoot were perfect. Wellington Point is an iconic location. The jetty is popular with joggers, walkers, photographers, and fishermen. The experienced fishermen depart before dawn, in their boats.
It is always a wonderful sight witnessing the fishermen leaving the shore to navigate the ocean. There is usually a flurry of activity. Great excitement when the children accompany their parents for a day out on the water.
Wearing waders is advantageous, particularly during low tides. It enables me to wander as far out as is possibly safe, maximising the light that is before me. I have frequented this iconic location often, and I have always come away with joy in my heart as it is good for the soul.
As you can see, the light was impacting when I captured this image. I’m always intentional regarding my composition, with the purpose of taking the viewer of my work to another space and place. The colours blend beautifully as only Mother Nature, God, can create something so extraordinary.
On that morning, the light held for some time which is quite unusual. This shot was captured towards the end of my photo shoot. It is important to linger to extract every ounce or second of light that is available.
Packing away my photographic equipment, instinctively, I knew I had captured some special shots.