Join me in experiencing my adventures and excitement on my photo shoots, as I unwrap my journey involved in capturing images that linger, whilst reflecting spectacular scenery that soak the soul with peace and hope!
It was worth getting up very early to drive to this incredible destination, Redcliffe jetty. I have been blessed to have some special shots captured at this iconic location. Although it is a drive to reach this destination, it is always like coming home.
The people are so friendly, and during the winter months, breakfast across the road is always on our list, particularly as the aroma of coffee and croissants waft across the atmosphere to where I’m shooting, a gentle reminder of what to expect after my photo shoot.
This image was captured during a heatwave which we had been experiencing, a couple of heatwaves in quick succession with little or no rain. I can always expect a smouldering sunrise due to the dryness and heat in the atmosphere, even at first light.
It was a picture-perfect morning where one could not even feel a breeze and, even at that time of the day, the heat and humidity were present, and so were the mosquitoes. Although, I apply an insect repellent to exposed parts of my body, for extra protection, I also wear a hoodie.
By the end of the photo shoot, I was literally expiring with the high temperature and humidity. But I knew the value of covering myself in more ways than one! I have learnt from experience from my trying to economise regarding insect protection!
Temperature aside, whilst he tide was coming in, and this location, Redcliffe jetty is protected, it does become wind whipped, I’ve been there during turbulent weather conditions, but on this morning, the weather conditions, and the light, were sublime.
I adjusted my tripod legs and moved to different areas to enhance the light and to gain a different perspective, whilst changing my photographic filters and the focal length on my lens. By the end of the photo shoot, I reduced my tripod legs to a point where my camera was almost skimming above the water, in maximising the light and reflections that were available.
Throughout the shoot, the conditions were perfect. I was blessed and walked out of the water, as I wear waders, with joy in my heart. It was worth the unbearable temperature to capture something special. And to appreciate a good breakfast after my photo shoot.