Join me in experiencing my adventures and excitement on my photo shoots, as I unwrap my journey involved in capturing images that linger, whilst reflecting spectacular scenery that soak the soul with peace and hope!
Nugget Point is an iconic location. I arrived at the lighthouse the evening before to experience what it would look like from my landscape lens. What we see and what a photographer captures from the same area, is vastly different. I knew that it was going to be a good shoot as I was going to us the correct landscape lens.
Early the next morning I set off for the lighthouse, although I chose to shoot from in front of the lighthouse as the rocks are impressive, particularly at sunrise. I was the second photographer to arrive but because I was shooting from in front of the lighthouse, I had the area to myself. The road to the lighthouse is hair raising to say the least. But I am used to New Zealand roads, where you can experience one-way bridges and blind corners, with single lanes close together. It makes the journey even more exciting.
The weather conditions that morning was perfect. The cloud formations were interesting. Clouds always add an interest factor. I set up my camera on my tripod and I started shooting straight away. The breeze was almost absent, it was calm whilst the sunlight attempted to penetrate the thick clouds which I was excited about.
Whilst I stood on the platform, I purposefully moved around in front of the lighthouse as it offers more interesting dynamics instead of standing in one area. It was quiet that morning. A few tourists who came to appreciate the serenity at sunrise. The area I was standing on was decking that was suspended high above the ocean. The views were spectacular.
Standing amongst a cluster of people who were warmly wrapped against the chilly conditions was heartening. I packed away my equipment and walked away from the lighthouse with a joy in my step. I knew the steep climb heading towards the car park was going to be worth it.
I packed my camera bag lightly as I knew the ascent was sharp and steep. The views of the coastline from the lighthouse and the pathway were spectacular. It was worth the trip. I chose accommodation that was close to the lighthouse making my journey comfortable and relaxing.