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Separating my bedding during the summer months to drive to Snapper Rocks is worth it. It is an incredible location. Absolutely iconic with surfers and photographers. There are various places to shoot from, I have stood on the rocks, when the conditions were appropriate, during the right tide and when the waves were not oversized!

In recent times, I have enjoyed the luxury of sitting on the infamous concrete wall, as I have, for several years, where I have captured momentous waves, during cyclonic conditions. Huge waves that accelerated towards you at an almost alarming rate.

Under those conditions, you treat the ocean with respect and at the same time you cannot panic. You anticipate your shot and ensure you and your fellow photographers are safe on the wall, with tripod legs extended to their maximum!

On the morning of this photo shoot, the weather conditions were perfect, this image was captured towards the end of my time on the concrete wall, as you can see, the sun is rising above the horizon.

It was a quiet morning, I was the only photographer on the wall, it was worth being there as the conditions matured into something special. Because Snapper Rocks is iconic, it can be tense with anticipation, I enjoy the thrill of the moment, but, as with this morning, it was great appreciating the waves that were ‘manageable’ to capture, and to relax as the sun matured in the sky.

At the end of my photo shoot, I stepped away from the concrete wall in an upbeat mood, after a special shoot.