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Join me in experiencing my adventures and excitement on my photo shoots, as I unwrap my journey involved in capturing images that linger, whilst reflecting spectacular scenery that soak the soul with peace and hope!

It had been some time since I’d done a photo shoot from this wonderful location. Like most things it had changed a little, but in a good way, nothing stays the same.

I arrived early and watched water skiers and boats dash across the lake.

The weather was excellent, beautiful one day, perfect, the next! People were enjoying the warmth on the pebbled beach.

The sunset was at 9pm. So, my wait was considerable, but worth it. As the sunset was approaching, the boats made their way to shore. It was a busy time. Dogs were having fun, chasing each other, splashing in the water.

Although the colours at sunset were initially intentional, they suddenly transformed from soft hues to strident colours.

It’s always a productive time when the light displays magnificent colours. It’s my intention to extract every ounce of light. So, no time is wasted!

Sometimes light such as I experienced at that sunset can fade prematurely, but, on that evening, it remained consistent for a considerable time. By the time I captured my last image it was after 9pm. 

This location and shoot were exceptional. I packed away my photographic equipment with joy in my heart.