The effects of sugar cane burning forming impressive clouds during sun set.
I recently travelled to North Queensland, Australia. It was an incredible trip. The photography was varied and interesting which is what I favour. The sunsets in the photo shoot location were mostly dramatic. I would arrive during the late afternoon and prepare for my shoot.
The farmer was fantastic as he enabled me to stand on his property to capture sunrises and sunsets. With my camera on my tripod secured safely amongst the corn plants, I used a variety of filters to maximise the effects of the light, whilst I waited with great expectancy on each occasion to capture something that would accurately depict the moment. The dynamics of dramatic clouds almost ‘erupting’ into the evening sky was an exciting moment. The clouds would linger in the atmosphere for a significant time and then dissipate with the light surrendering to the night sky.
It was during the latter part of my photo shoots that I stood and marvelled at God’s Creative brilliance. The intense sunset colours tinged with the onset of night time. The formation of the clouds and the emphasis on light always fired up my creativity and heightened my awareness of my ‘smallness’ compared with God’s creative power. Inspirational moments that linger in my memory for some time to come.
As the soil temperature increases so the growth rate of the corn accelerates. I noticed that in such a short space of time! Photography to me, like most things in life, is consistently changing and evolving into something new. As a Landscape Photographer, I love to stretch the boundaries of my imagination and at times to push past the ‘norm’ of what is acceptable involving photographic principles. It is never my intentionality to break photographic rules, but at times, to reinvent new ways of repeating procedures that could become stale. Creative compositions that attract and hold one’s attention.
Thank you for appreciating my work! Picture yourself here!
Location: North Queensland, Australia