This afternoon, was no different, I arrived early for my shoot. I was prepared for a photographic populated place.
I was intentional regarding selecting the best spot. Unhurried, as I had time to spare before the crowd of photographers arrived, I positioned myself on a rock precipice.
Wow, what a view and a fantastic vantage point I had.
Before long, a stream of photographers arrived and positioned themselves where I had originally stood.
It is not my intention to be critical but I have learnt, over time, to discover new ways of capturing saturated photographic locations by being creative in my perspective.
It is advantageous exploring and expanding our thought processes, to do something different, isn’t it?
The weather cooled quickly as the sun set at 4.20pm but my clothing was more than adequate.
My thoughts are to enjoy the photoshoot by being prepared in advance and to extract the best in what I’m capturing, for you, the discerning public.
Thank you for enjoying my work.