© Clare Page Photography.
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Home 5 Journal 5 Instinctive!


It’s so important to be connected to and tuned into our instincts, isn’t it?

The morning I captured this image, when I saw the early morning sky from my window I knew it was time to drive to the lake for a shoot.

I arrived in good time. The light was perfect.

The same emotions are evoked when things come together in our lives!

When you are lined up for something specific and it comes to fruition. For some, it could be that you have been waiting for a considerable time for breakthrough.

Be encouraged. Build up your hope and faith and believe that all things are possible with God!

Let go of the things associated with your past, forgive and move on and press towards the things that God has destined for you.

Your identity is not in your past, but in your present/future!

As I secured my tripod in the water, I knew it was going to be a memorable shoot.

The same applies to you and me. Don’t give up on any good thing God has intended for your life!

Be good to yourself. Relax and rest. Trust God!

Thank you for liking my work.
