My heart skips a beat when I arrive at a photo shoot as I did this particular morning.
Snapper Rocks, Australia, is the location of this photo shoot.
I left home early, offering me plenty of time to step into my waders and to secure my camera onto my tripod.
The tide was coming in. I needed to acquaint my self with Snapper Rocks as I’d been there once before, but some time ago.
To say the tide was coming in, was an understatement! I navigated my way onto the rocks in the semi dark, just as first light made an appearance on the horizon.
There was such a sense of excitement within me as I witnessed the pumping ocean throbbing before me.
Occasionally I needed to move back a little way, due to the incoming tide.
As the sun broke the horizon, I started using my photographic filters.
The wall behind me was full of people who were appreciating the beauty before us.
Of course, with the incoming tide, the rocks were becoming particularly slippery. I moved around with caution.
Adjusting my focal length of my camera and the height of my tripod, often. My camera shutter release was very busy during this shoot.
There were plenty of surfers to the left of this image. They started arriving at the same time as I did.
Thank you for appreciating my work!