Join me in experiencing my adventures and excitement on my photo shoots, as I unwrap my journey involved in capturing images that linger, whilst reflecting spectacular scenery that soak the soul with peace and hope!
On the morning of this photo shoot, I checked the weather conditions, before leaving home, as I always do. I was so excited when I saw the huge swell conditions. But, the bonus, was the presence of clouds.
The drive to this wonderful location, Snapper Rocks, Queensland, Australia was good, as I depart from home early in the morning, it is a pleasant trip. When I arrived at the car park, the surfers were aplenty. Not only that, but they were also checking out the size of the waves and how they were going to get to them due to the generous rock shelf.
My excitement grew when I heard the waves crashing against the rocks and the nearby concrete wall. I knew the importance of checking the size of the waves, almost at full tide, so I could gauge my involvement and concentration in the moment of time whilst on my photo shoot. It is so important to get into the ‘groove’ of capturing huge waves, as they crash beneath your feet.
It is a moment of respect for my Creator, God, as I concentrate on where I was either going to sit or stand depending on the waves and the impact they made on the wall. There is no way I would enter a photo shoot without being prepared for what could come before me regarding the size of waves.
A short while later, I returned to my vehicle to collect my photographic equipment and my cushion as I knew it was safe to sit on the wall as I’d been checking the waves and where they impacted the top of the wall. I have stood on that concrete wall with my tripod elevated in cyclonic conditions. Exciting, but also intimidating. Thrilling, without being arrogant and complacent, as that is when you come unstuck!
As I sat on the wall and witnessed the rhythm of those huge waves, there wasn’t a second when I wasn’t concentrating or anticipating my next move regarding a potential ‘rogue’ wave making an appearance, and potentially soaking myself and my equipment. It has happened to me in the past, but I’m always prepared!
During the latter part of my shoot, I moved to the end of the wall, where I captured this image. I did not want my time to end there, but I knew the importance of travelling home before the increase of traffic on the motorway.
Although I was exhausted, it was a monumental photo shoot, one, I will remember for some time to come! I packed away my photographic equipment and drove home with joy in my heart.