Join me in experiencing my adventures and excitement on my photo shoots, as I unwrap my journey involved in capturing images that linger, whilst reflecting spectacular scenery that soak the soul with peace and hope!
The morning of this photo shoot, the conditions were superb. Both in the light and being calm. I walked towards the water, across the muddy flats, and was excited about the picture before me.
It was picture perfect. The tide was coming in. That always helps with the reflections. No matter which way I turned my camera, the light and beauty before me were incredible. I thrive on such photo shoots.
Each shoot is special, but some stand out for every good reason. If each and every photo shoot was exceptional, I wouldn’t have grown as a person and as a photographer.
Even when the conditions are less than perfect, I use filters to bring out the best light. What we see with the human eye, differs from the lens and the use of photographic filters.
This photo shoot will be held in my memory bank for some time to come.
Clare’s Landscape Photography Prints are available to purchase in the Clare Page Photography shop. Available in several different sizes and framed/unframed options with FREE worldwide shipping.