Some things in life almost take our breath away, with their beauty.
You could be one breath away from a miracle.
Don’t give up, don’t surrender to the lies of the devil.
Keep on keeping on. One step at a time.
You are one step further away from your past, and one step closer to your God-given destiny!
Jesus said, “It is finished”, John 19:30. He gave Himself up on the Cross for you and for me.
Stop surrendering to disappointments and emotions that want to overwhelm you.
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come. The old has gone, the new is here!’ 2 Corinthians 5:17. NIV
It is time to forgive and to be released from the grip that the devil has held us in through unforgiveness.
Do yourself a favour, forgive and breathe easy again!
Thank you for appreciating my work!
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Location: Flagstaff Beach, New South Wales, Australia