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Glendhu Bay, Wanaka, South Island, New Zealand is so beautiful.

The light that afternoon was extraordinary.

My vehicle is always packed and ready to go on a photo shoot.

Within a short space of time I arrived at my shoot destination and waded into the lake with my camera, filters and tripod.

As you can see, the conditions were calm and the reflection of the mountains in the lake are perfect due to it being so still.

The intensity of the blue adds interest, doesn’t it?

When I drove around Wanaka and Queenstown,  I was always on the lookout for a different angle make a photo more interesting.

Composition is as relevant as the technical aspects involved with photography.

There is something about water that is soothing, particularly when it is so smooth.

Do you enjoy water, either water sports or simply appreciating the beauty surrounding it?

Thank you for appreciating my work!

Clare Page Photography: Stir your Soul!